March 15, 2024

Foundations of AB testing and finding product/market fit

In this post, I will explain how finding a combination of strategy, audience, and messaging is key to finding product market fit.

Ian Binek

CEO & Advertising Lead

All marketing campaigns share these 3 common denominators

A brief note about how Optimize handles these:

When we start an engagement with a client, we always learn more about the audiences and messaging that have already been tested and that the client is interested in testing.

Along with many other questions, this data helps us plan a timeframe for testing your audiences, messaging, and the strategy we provide.

We organize this timeline in a custom database software that we create for your organization.

From this timeline, we are also able to predict best and worst case ad spend scenarios.

This helps us stay realistic when predicting how much ad spend would be required to find a product market fit for your solution.

Since we take a data-driven approach, we use confidence intervals and statistical significance testing to find your winning campaigns.

This kind of testing is all tracked in your custom database software  so we can easily track and analyze the downstream effects on the marketing pipeline & revenue.

When we can produce a campaign that drives our primary KPI of signups AND marketing pipeline/revenue - then we know we have found an audience/messaging/strategy winning combo and it's time to scale!

The Three Marketing Levers

So with that introduction, let's discuss each:

Strategy - Otherwise referred to as mediums, strategy is the where and when of your ads. Your ads can show in paid media channels, organic media channels, paid search channels, organic search channels, and many other forms. Ad show timing is also part of strategy.

Audience - Otherwise known as targeting, you audience is who sees your ads. We can target demographics, psychographics, firmographics, predictive audiences, website visitors, and many other segments.

Messaging - Simply put, this is the message and images you put in front of your audience.  Of the three, this has the most variability because messaging is developed from scratch through copywriting and creative services (not having as many preselects to choose from).

All three of these are combined any time a marketing campaign is created. This means that there are many different strategies, many different audiences, and many different messages you can use to find a winning campaign.

As you can imagine, this can get very, very technical and overwhelming.

Wrapping Up

Interested in how long and how expensive it could be for you to find product market fit?

Visit our Linktree to book some time with me.

Until next time.

It all starts with data

Get your marketing tech stack setup right the first time with this 6 minute loom walkthrough. Want Ian to set this up for you? Book some time with him by clicking the CTA in the video.