April 4, 2024

How We Approach B2B Demand Capture in 2024

In this blog, we will cover what is demand capture, how it's different from demand generation, and why you should incorporate it into your marketing campaign mix.

Ian Binek

CEO & Advertising Lead

What is demand capture?

Demand capture is about the 3% of your market that is ready to buy.

This means that this audience of people is problem-aware, solution-aware, and now looking for a product/service to come in and help.

Demand capture is about the bottom of the marketing funnel (BOF).

This is because of your audience's readiness to buy.

How is demand capture different from demand generation?

Demand generation is about the 97% of the market that is not ready to buy.

This means that the strategy & tactics to get in front of these unready prospects are completely different.

It's usually longer term, with the full marketing funnel in play, whereas with demand capture campaigns, only the BOF is in play.

When should you focus on demand capture?

Most companies start with demand capture campaigns due to the simplicity of only needing BOF messaging and creative.

Also, most companies will have existing search volume in the search engines for keywords that would indicate buying intent.

These high-intent keywords are prime candidates to bid on and start to drive marketing pipeline for your business.

How do we capture demand in 2024?

The best way to capture demand is through pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaigns.

These campaigns take the form of Google & Bing search ad campaigns.

Google & Bing Search Ads

The strategy we use for our Google Search ads varies depending on the market.

Below are 4 quick examples of campaigns we use:

  1. Traditional, high-intent campaigns with long tail keywords.
  2. Competitive, establishing messaging around our client vs. competitors in the market.
  3. Brand, capitalizing on the client's brand and building a moat to ward off competitors bidding on branded terms.
  4. Build the market, little to no search volume, but a great way to stay on top of everything related to your brand. (This is borderline demand generation - but we still bucket it in demand capture due to the PPC nature of the campaign).

Optimized Landing Pages

Regardless of the campaign example we choose, we like to focus on building an optimized landing page.

This means it helps answer all of the questions your buyers would have before booking a call with you.

An image is worth 1,000 words - and videos are even better.

Some people learn best through images, others through audio, and some through reading.

It's important to include each of these learning methods on the page and to encapsulate the answers to questions the buyers would have before getting started with you.

AB Testing

Once you create your campaigns & landing pages, your job is far from over.

Many are too naive and think the initial idea behind their campaign messaging and landing page design is perfect from the jump.

Take advantage of your lazy competitors and iteratively refresh and test your campaigns, ads, and landing pages so you are consistently improving your advertising efforts.

Website Deanonymization Software

This works great for demand capture since this is in the bottom of the marketing funnel.

This means using tools like Clearbit and Warmly to capture contact information from website users who didn't fill out a form or buy.

These people can be treated like warm leads and are ideal candidates for you or your sales team to "poke" and see what you can do to stay in consideration.

Retargeting Ads

The first time someone visits your landing page isn't necessarily going to be when they book a call or buy from you.

This is where highly targeted ads come into play.

We install marketing pixels on your website so that you can follow up with these people later.

These ads can be on popular social channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, and more.

How to get the most out of your demand capture campaigns?

If you want to get the most out of your demand capture campaigns then we recommend publishing social media content regularly.

This shouldn't be a surprise, but nearly 80% of buyers check your social media before making a final buying decision.

Another thing to consider is to run demand gen campaigns.

Similar to social content - demand generation campaigns can be put on overdrive with the more primed bottom-of-funnel retargeting users.

Wrapping Up - Patience is key

As with all advertising campaigns, patience is key.

Although it's possible a campaign launches and goes off without a hitch - meaning high ROI & consistent meetings booked.

We call those instances miracles.

With that in mind, you can rest assured that when you work with an agency like Optimize, you will find a winning campaign.

You aren't paying for campaign setup - anyone can do that.

You are paying for leadership & expertise.

The difference between you and us is that we do this full-time and know when something is working, needs more time, or needs to be adjusted.

Imagine trying to make that decision on your own.

Anyways... I digress.

Until next time.

It all starts with data

Get your marketing tech stack setup right the first time with this 6 minute loom walkthrough. Want Ian to set this up for you? Book some time with him by clicking the CTA in the video.