July 26, 2024

The 6 Kinds of B2B Google Ads Campaigns

In my opinion, these are the 6 kinds of Google Ads campaigns B2B marketers can run.

Ian Binek

CEO & Advertising Lead

In my opinion, there are only 6 kinds of Google Ads campaigns that B2B companies can run...

For best results, each of these campaigns should have unique messaging and landing page experiences to provide a cohesive experience to the user.

Below are my 6 campaigns I run for every tech company:

Top of Funnel - Awareness

The goal here is to capture people looking for information on a service or product you provide. These people are trying to learn more about their problem. It's always a good idea to run ads to this group of users if you are in a relatively new market so that you can steal some mental real estate and position yourself as a thought leader.

Middle of Funnel - Brand Terms

The goal here is to show up for people searching for your brand's name. This is more important for hyper competitive industries with competitor's bidding on your brand's name. We always recommend this if we find competitor's stealing your traffic when we conduct our Google Ads scrape.

Middle of Funnel - Competitive

Similar to bidding on your own brand's terms, you can also bid on your competitors. Slow moving competitors in old, very niche industries usually have great brand equity and what I call name-ability. If they aren't bidding on their own brand's terms then steal away some of their clicks with some hyper specific messaging "{competitor name} alternative" and "{competitor name}? {verb} with {client name}". Calling out specific weaknesses works really well here.

Bottom of Funnel - Long Tail

Once people are problem aware and educated enough on their problem, it's time to look for vendors to solve their problems. Bidding on terms like "{client's service} vendors/companies/agencies/management" are your classic, high intent terms. Since there are usually so few of these, it's crucial to eCPC to control your bids more aggressively. Bids are one of the largest factors in determining your ad position rank.

Middle of Funnel - Display Ads

These ads are more about touchpoints and maintaining mental real estate. These ads show up on blogs as images. Similar to BOF - I like to focus my bid strategy on eCPC so that you can show up in the best possible ad spots. (Lot's of optimizations are needed here to ensure you are placing your brand on premium ad outlets)

Middle of Funnel - YouTube Ads

Similar to Display Ads, we want to continue to garner more mental real estate with your market. An underrated play with these ads is to place rich, thorough pieces of content (5-10 minute videos) as YouTube ads. The more touch points you can have, the more likely your prospects will remember you when it's time for them to choose a vendor/solution.

So there you have it - 6 Google Ads campaigns that every tech startup should run if they want to build a stable inbound pipeline.

If you're running these and not seeing results, it could be for a variety of reasons.

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