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In Person Events / E-Learning Software

Digital Marketing Strategy for Leadership Training & Consulting Firm

Optimize Your Marketing provides ongoing social media marketing and management for a leadership training and consulting firm. The team is responsible for lead generation, sales optimization, and ad campaign strategies.
Client Name
Guardian Leadership
PPC & Social Media Marketing
2-3x ROI From Social Media Marketing Efforts
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Frank Trammer
CEO & Founder

About Guardian Leadership

Guardian Leadership provides in person and online courses for business professionals & servant leaders in communities. They were struggling to effectively manage the growth of their company online, and so they worked with us to build out their organic and paid marketing efforts so they could focus on their courses and solution.

Optimize Your Marketing’s efforts have increased the client's social media engagement metrics, email subscribers, CTR, and conversion rates. The team is highly communicative and organized from a workflow standpoint, and internal stakeholders are impressed with the service provider's commitment to success.

Frank Trammer

The Optimize Strategy

Organic Efforts

We developed a social media calendar that we then filled with content that they could post to their social channels like LinkedIn and Facebook - which resulted in a steady stream of interested and informed prospects.

Along with the social media posts, we sent weekly email newsletters that resulted in high open & click through rates. We continually AB tested to find the best email subject lines and the best promotions that influenced purchases.

Our full funnel tracking solution helped them know where leads & sales were coming from which ultimately made it easier to prove that what we were doing was working.

Paid Efforts

We launched a few social media marketing campaigns targeting mostly georgraphical locations where their in person events where taking place. We saw roughly a 2-3x ROI from our advertising campaigns - selling 10s of tickets in just 2 short weeks. Each ticket cost was nearly $1000, so the ROI was immediately recognized due to our targeting capabilities in the social media ad channels.

"Their exceptional communication skills and high level of organization truly sets them apart."

Frank Trammer


We have been working with Guardian Leadership for years now and are integrated as their marketing team. We helped them develop email marketing nurture sequences, build search engine optimized blogs, managed their social media, developed course materials, and executing digital marketing campaigns that resulted in increased course purchases for their in person / online events. We are excited to continue helping Guardian Leadership thrive.

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