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Small Business (Pizza Shop)

Facebook Marketing for Pizza Restaurant

Optimize Your Marketing provided SMM services for a full-service pizza restaurant. The team managed all of the client's Facebook marketing efforts, including responding to customer reviews.
Client Name
John Kaufman
Facebook & Instagram Ads
8% Increase in Sales With 2x ROI in 30 Days
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John Kaufman
Owner, Partners II Pizza

About Partners II Pizza

For the residents of Peachtree City, Tyrone, and Newnan, Georgia - Partners is a staple pizza restuarant boasting incredible value & quality pizza. John met Ian and was convinced that Optimize's Facebook & Instagram advertising solutions could help increase local sales while increasing awareness in the community.

They more than tripled visitors and friends to our Facebook page and increased revenue within the store by 8%.

John Kaufman

The Optimize Strategy

Organic Efforts

You can't have an exceptional digital marketing campaign without some high quality, behind the scenes pizza making content. We worked with a photographer to come in and take pictures of the team - and post these organically to the social media page. This helped keep their customers hungry and interested in the store. We also incorporated weekly pizza giveaways in exchange for people's engagement on the social media posts. This strategy boosted our impressions and enabled almost every one of their posts to be seen by almost 100% of their followers. (Normally posts are only shown to 10% of followers - so each one of our posts got 10x the engagement than regular Facebook posts).

Paid Advertising

We also created paid advertising campaigns on Facebook & Instagram to help stay top of mind and increase foot traffic. We doubled down on advertising with a Mega Giveaway Special which we coined as Free Pizza For A Year! This had amazing results and garned over 500 emails from the community - taking their email list from 0 to 500 in just 2 weeks. This email list continues to prove out value to Partners every single week when they send weekly emails with specials.

"They were timely with their posts and responses to reviews."

John Kaufman


Partners II Pizza really established themselves as the premier pizza store in south Georgia and has franchised to multiple locations. We enjoyed our time working them and will entertain any new engagements that come our way like pizza shops, restaurants, and small businesses looking for similar results.

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